Using of credit card is important part of modern lifestyle and our wish is to enable to our clients to enjoy all benefits of this possibility just a same as other citizens of Europe.
What does it means, to be a user of Visa Eurobank Direktna credit card?
First, you will never be in a situation that you find out that you don’t have enough money to buy everything you wish as soon as you are in front of the cash. It means that you can calculate with your own money with much more flexibility and to put off payment as long as you need.
Beside this, when you find yourself abroad you may immediately go to the café or restaurant to refresh yourself, instead of rushing to the exchange office in order to exchange your money.
With Visa credit card Eurobank Direktna, you can pay for the merchandise at all places that accept Visa credit cards or withdraw cash from all ATMS connected to the Visa system, 24 hours per day anywhere in the world.
And above all, you can do it quickly, easily and securely. Make a good choice and sense the freedom that 1.3 billons of Visa card users all around the world owns.
As usual, Eurobank Direktna made an effort to offer you extremely affordable terms: